How to Stop a Dog from Marking in the House?

Dog marking indicates an issue in which a dog marks its territory using his urine. This is basically a behavioral issue that gets frustrating for pet owners. It's basically a dog’s own unique way of communicating and establishing its territory. For a dog owner, this dog marking behavior becomes unbearable when it occurs indoors. This article will discuss reasons why dog mark territory indoors, the preventive measures, and, the training techniques to address dog marking behavior.

Reasons for Marking:

1.      Territorial Behavior:

When a dog detects the presence of other animals around them, they tend to mark to establish their territory. This is a natural behavior or a way to signal other dogs that this area has been claimed.

2.      Stress or Anxiety:

Different stressful situations, such as moving to a new destination, the arrival of new pets, or changes in routine, can lead to anxiety or stressful behavior in dogs that triggers marking behavior.

3.      Health Issues:

Urinary tract infections lead to an increased urge to urinate or marking behavior. You need to take your dog for a vet evaluation to determine the medical condition causing dog marking.

4.      Unneutered Male Dog:

Male dogs that are unneutered are more prone to marking. So, spaying or neutering your dog will stop this behavior.

5.      Someone New has Visited:

Whenever new guests visit your house, you will notice an excited or submissive behavior of your dog in response. This results in marking.

What is the Difference Between Marking and Urinating?

A significant difference between marking and urinating lies in its purpose and behavior. Basically, urination is a natural urge to relieve the bladder. And this involves a large volume of urine. It occurs in a designated area. On the other hand, the marking behavior in dogs is to signal the territory to other dogs by releasing a small amount of urine. It occurs frequently, especially in an overstimulated environment.

How to Identify the Signs of Marking in Dogs?

You can easily look for the signs of marking in your dog. If your dog needs to pee frequently and in small amounts, then it means he marks. When your dog is peeing on horizontal surfaces, then definitely it’s urine-marking. Furthermore, when your dog pees on the arrival of new people or guests, then it is a clear sign of dog marking. Make sure you resolve all the conflict of your dog with other pets in the house otherwise, as a result of frustration; your dog will mark frequently.

Preventive Measures to Stop a Dog from Marking:

  • Spaying or Neutering

An efficient way to stop a dog from marking is to neuter or spay him. This will reduce the dog marking behavior.

  • Ensure a Comfortable Environment:

Offering a secure and comfortable environment to your dog helps to deal with its marking behavior. When you provide your dog with a safe and peaceful space that has a comfortable bed, toys, and other necessary items, then it helps to alleviate the anxious behavior.

  • Stick to a Routine:

When your dog has a proper schedule for eating, going out for walks, and playing and bathroom breaks, then he is likely to urinate when needed. This will eliminate the chances of indoor marking.

  • Keep New Items Out of Its Reach:

Make sure you limit the access of your dog to the new things brought into your home. This will help him to reduce this behavior.

  • Inspect for Other Animals Outside the House:

At times, dogs become overstimulated when they see other animals. So, an effective way is to cover all the windows of your house and stop the interaction with outside dogs to avoid dog marking.

  • Supervisor your Dog Carefully:

Supervision is very important to limit the chances of dog marking. You must supervise the dog when he is around the unfamiliar objects in areas. Once they get familiar with the area, then they will not mark it.

Training Techniques to Stop Dog Marking Behavior:

1.      Positive Reinforcement:

The positive reinforcement technique is one of the most effective techniques to train a dog. When you reward your dog with treats and praises, then it helps you get the desired behavior.

2.      Teach the “No Marking” Command:

Allow your dog to freely move around the house and watch for the signs of marking. The “No Marking” command will help to stop this behavior when he is outside. This will encourage him to relieve himself outside the house.

3.      Pay Attention to Crate Training:

You can manage your dog’s indoor behavior with the help of crate training to stop indoor marking. You need to invest in a proper-sized crate. Encourage your dog to hold his pee until he goes outside. Allow your dog to spend maximum time in the crate in order to learn bladder control.

How to Prevent Marking Using Deterrents?

Using deterrents to prevent marking is an effective method these days. There are various deterrents available to prevent marking behavior in dogs. You can use the natural repellents or the ones available in the market that are safe for pets. Usually the pets don't like the citrus smell, which means you can use a citrus spray like that of an orange or lemon mixed with water to deter the marking in specific areas of your home. Vinegar solution is also very effective to repel dogs. This is because the intense odor of vinegar will stop your dog from marking. Apart from natural deterrents, you will find lots of commercial dog deterrents to stop the marking behavior. Make sure you look for the label "safe for pets” and have non-toxic ingredients before using it.

How to Address Anxiety-Related Marking Behavior?

Addressing the anxiety-related marking behavior in dogs is significant, and for that, you have to reduce your dog’s stress level and provide him with a safe and secure space. Following are some strategies you can act upon to eliminate this behavior.

1.      Identify the Triggers:

Carefully observe your dog and look for his behavior in specific situations and environments. The common triggers are changes in the routine, arrival of guests, new pets, anxiety, and others.

2.      Provide a Calm Environment:

When you provide your dog with a calm and safe environment where he is rewarded in a positive way, then this will make him familiar with his surroundings and will reduce the marking.

3.      Socialization:

Dogs must be socialized gradually to new environments and places. These new experiences through positive socialization build confidence in dogs. This will ultimately help you deal with anxiety-related issues.

How to Clean Up Dog Marking Effectively?

Cleaning the dog mark area is really important. Begin with thorough cleaning. Keep in mind that you need to eliminate the scent to discourage your dog from marking again, and for that, enzymatic cleaners are available. These cleaners will neutralize the odor and eliminate the chances of dog marking in the future.

When to Visit your Vet for Marking Issues in Dogs?

A dog that is continuously urinating indoors is an obvious sign of dog marking. Immediately visit your vet and take your dog for the examination to look for the possible illness. All the blood tests and urine sample reports will find out the reason for dog marking. After that, your vet will inform you about any underlying medical condition and the possible reasons behind your dog’s frequent urination.


Understanding your dog’s behavior is necessary in order to prevent him from marking. After that, you can make use of the effective training techniques to address this issue. Only with patience and consistency, you create a harmonious environment for your loyal companion. This will stop your dog from marking in the house.


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